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Road washout triggers missing persons report in rural Shuswap

Family found the following day where they'd been stuck overnight
Chase RCMP called in Shuswap Search & Rescue to assist in finding a family after they didn't return from a fishing trip.

A missing persons report was filed when a family's fishing trip turned into an impromptu camping trip after they got stranded overnight. 

Just after 10:30 p.m. on June 15, the Chase RCMP received a call from a woman who reported that her adult son and his two young kids hadn't returned as expected from a fishing trip. They were believed to be somewhere on the Scotch Creek 670 Forest Service Road, but their exact location was unknown. 

Knowing the 670 road was closed due to a washout, officers assisted with patrols of the area and called in Shuswap Search & Rescue to organize an extensive search to start the following morning at daylight. 

"Worried family members, friends and neighbours spent a long night searching and finally succeeded in locating the missing family members the next morning – they were safe and well," Const. Sarah Van Wilgenburg said in a media release. "It turned out they had attempted to bypass the washout on a 4x4 trail but got stuck and spent the night in the truck."

About the Author: Heather Black

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